Oh Kyle Whittingham, every time I think I’m about to quit you, you pull me back in.
There are more than a few negatives, and I’ll address those tomorrow, but I’m so proud of this team, I’m just going to hit the high notes right now.
First, Kyle, believing in your defense and kicker to make that onside kick call. LOVE YOU.
Second, Travis Wilson, your all growds up, well not quite but I’m pleased as punch right now and all your haters can go and lick it tonight.
Third, Andy Phillips where have you been all my life. Utah has a kicking game.
Fourth, Carl “The Truth” Williams, stepped up after a big mistake and showed he has character and belongs on the field.
But what I’m most proud of is when USU came out in the 2nd half and had a touchdown drive, this team could have quit. Instead they got down and fought. They made stops on Chuckie Heisman when they needed too. The offense stepped up after a dismal 2nd quarter and really showed that we might have something with a few weeks practice.
In short, I’m a happy happy guy tonight, and each and every one of you should be too.
1-0 is 1-0 is 1-0.