Well for the first time in a long time a real talent in basketball is both in the state of Utah and not a total BYU legacy.
That player is Brekkott Chapman.
While Loveridge was very good, if you’re going to be a serious player in the Pac-12, and if you’re Larry Krystkowiak and you’re going to keep your job beyond year four, landing a Brekkott Chapman or two is a must.
So the rumor has broken on the internet that Chapman is down to three schools, Utah, BYU and UCLA.
And how do you handicap that…
First you can’t deny the allure of UCLA. No matter what is happening, it’s still LA, palm trees, the best looking girls and oh yeah the house that Wooden built. As for Utah and BYU, there is a whole lot of conflicting information out there. Here are things I’ve been told…
1. Brekkott hates the Lone Peak bunch.
2. Brekkott’s best friend is Dalton Nixon, who is headed to BYU.
3. Brekkott’s family are Zoobs but he isn’t. Also that he is a big BYU fan.
4. Brekkott wants to go out of state.
5. Brekkott has UCLA and Utah dead even and BYU is a distant third.
Now I’ve already paid more attention to the thoughts of a 17-18 year old than I really should. But it’s of interest to you the fan so here are my thoughts on this.
First Utah got a break when UCLA changed coaches. It meant Alford has to come in late and establish a relationship with Mr. Chapman. It’s clear he’s done that to get into his final three, but Larry and Dave Rose have been at this for much longer. Second, the idea that BYU is a distant third is something I’m not buying. If BYU is essentially out of it, why list them at all, why not Arizona or Gonzaga. If he’s listing BYU it means he might choose them and that sends up a big red flag for me.
So how does it shake out, well I don’t know, like I said, Brekkott’s a kid and I would have pitied anyone trying to read my mind at that age. But I think the ramifications will be this. If he goes to UCLA, that is understandable. If Larry loses Brekkott to BYU, that’s probably going to cost him his job.
One thing is clear, Utah desperately needs Brekkot Chapman.