MARCH MADNESS- Utah Basketball “Fatigue Makes Cowards Of Us All”

"“Fatigue Makes Cowards of Us All” – Former Utah Utes Basketball Coach Rick Majerus after Utah lost the national title game"

I think every Ute fans was worried that what happened tonight was going to happen.  The Utes gave two monumental efforts just to make it to the semi-finals of the Pac-12 Tournament Semi-Finals.  I was personally hoping that Utah might have enough to give them a half, but it was evident from the start that would not be the case.

Jared Dubois, the hero of the Utes first two nights in Vegas, was missing in action. All of the shots that were falling last night drawing only the front rim.  Dubois would go scoreless tonight.

The Utes only scored 15 in the first half and it was clear at that point it wasn’t going to be.   Although they wouldn’t quit and did cut it to eight at one point.

So tonight we bid farewell to three seniors.  Cedric Martin became a surprise defender and Jared Dubois did give us several moments both good and bad.  But the guy I’ll miss is Jason Washburn.  It’s sad the way fate fell on his career, essentially having to play in four rebuilding seasons.  Jason is a great kid, a great Ute and we’ll miss him.

The future will also bring some more departures as well which we will discuss in the coming days.  Next year will again likely have more questions than answers to start the season.

However, thats for next week.  Right now, lets thank the Utes for this little mini-run that let us all have some fun around Utah basketball for a few days.

Thanks Guys.