Utah Utes Basketball- Well That Was Fantastic

It’s been a long five years for Jason Washburn in the Utah basketball program.

He came here with a ton of expectations and was all over the map for much of his career.  Of course it didn’t help he’s essentially played on four teams that were all rebuilding in the four years that he played.  So we all have to be happy for the way the kid went out today. 21 points and 7 boards in a game that made him look like he could play the game at the next level.

In fact this is the best weekend of basketball in the Larry Krystkowiak era.  Our first two game winning streak in the Pac-12.  We beat a ranked team for the first time since ’09 maybe and looked decent doing it.

Now there are a lot of question marks about Utah’s basketball future, how will we replace what we’re losing, how will we continue to grow against the Pac-12.

But there haven’t been a lot of good weekends over the last two years of Utah basketball.  So let’s leave the future where it is, in the future.

Let’s thank Jared Dubois, Cedric Martin and above all Jason Washburn.  Four year players haven’t come along all that often for Utah in recent years.

So thank you Jason for giving us a great memory to say good bye on.