At some point the Utah Utes will name a new football offensive coach.
So to let everyone know where we stand.
I have a source telling me that the hire will almost certainly be Dennis Erickson. Now this isn’t 100% and they are still working on some details and Whit is making sure there isn’t a stone he should turn over. Dan Sorensen from Utezone has said similar things, check his tweets @dsorensen for his version.
Lya Wodraska of the Salt Lake Tribune is reporting that the hire might be Billy Gonzales based on a tweet she saw.
Salt Lake Radio Personality and editor of the Fansided website Kevin Graham tweeted very emphatically that the hire will be Billy Gonzales. See his tweets @kevingrahamkfan.
I’m sure you know my opinion of Lya, but I don’t think Kevin is an idiot so I’d be intrigued to know where he’s getting this.
There also seems to be a third name out there in the form of Gary Crouton. I personally haven’t seen anything more than twitter stuff, but I don’t think I could take Crouton and may have to simply move on from Utah. Sometime you have to take a stand.
So there you kids go. We won’t hear anything before Monday. Wish I had more.