"Cheer, cheer for Old Notre DameWake up the echoes cheering her name,Send the volley cheer on high,Shake down the thunder from the sky,What though the odds be great or smallOld Notre Dame will win over all,While her loyal sons are marchingOnward to Victory."
As Notre Dame was putting the finishing touches on USC and a perfect season last night, something happened that really started to get under my skin. A bunch of SEC honks and especially some big bags of douche (I’m sure with those stupid haircuts) from Alabama took to the series of tubes we call the interwebs proclaiming another BCS championship. Now if you’re a Ute fan you know where I’m going.
This is how ‘Bama fans reacted from the moment they knew they were facing Utah in 2008 right up until the moment we kicked their ass.
And doesn’t this Notre Dame team kind of remind of that 2008 Utah team.
The 2004 Utah team just killed everybody. But the 2008 team just went out and did work. People will recall the late game heroics against Oregon St. and TCU. But remember, Utah played a very close game against what would turn out to be a Michigan team in all kinds of turmoil. We needed a late touchdown to beat Air Force. And we played a 13-10 game with New Mexico for God sakes.
So Notre Dame just survived against many of the teams they played. So did we. And surviving is what it is all about.
And really can’t each and every SEC honk just go and lick it. This whole business of just playing each other, never leaving the South, only playing 8 conference games and then claiming you’re the best. The most courage anyone in the SEC has, traveling to Jerry World in Dallas and pretending like they’re playing a neutral sight game.
Look, I get Notre Dame fans will be hard to deal with if they win the national title. But won’t it be worth it to see every SEC fan with their stupid haircuts crying into their Red Solo Cup’s wondering how the hell this could have happened.
Then maybe SEC fan will come up with the excuse that they didn’t really want to play Notre Dame at all.
So join me Utah fans. Cheer for another team that just went out and won football games however they could. One that has a chance to slap the SEC smirk off their stupid arrogant faces. And I know you Te’o loving BYU fans are joining me.
Let the SEC hate run strong through you.