Utah Basketball: You People Need to Calm Down


First, I want to start this post by saying thanks to David Foster.  Foster, oddly enough, is the last link to the Majerus era.  David was originally recruited by Rick Majerus.  Then when all of Rick’s stuff came up we lost track of him, only to have Ray Giacolletti rediscover him and bring him to Utah.

David was a hell of a defensive presence and if he would have been healthy at any time during his career at Utah might have been something special.  No college kid should have his career go like David’s.  So thanks for giving all you could.

Now that has been said, I need to say something to a bunch of you, CALM THE HELL DOWN ABOUT HOOPS EXPECTATIONS.

There are three groups of Utah basketball fans,

1. People who quit caring about a decade or so ago, this is the majority.

2.  People who think the Larry hire was a bad idea and remain very concerned about the direction of the program, which is me.

3.  The Larry Lapdogs who admire his every move find glory in a 5 win season and now are talking about post season play.

I’m talking to the Lapdogs now.

You people have to calm the hell down.  You so called insiders who are whispering about how this team is bound for glory this year, STOP IT AND STOP IT NOW.

And why am I asking you to do this?  (and I know you people and you’re saying its because I hate Larry and want to take long showers with Jim Boylen)

I’m asking you people to shut up because there is nothing worse than a Ute fan scorned.  Seriously, look at football.  Our loss to Arizona St. has people openly suggesting Whit is done, when he’s honestly earned a couple of horrid seasons before the freak outs begin.  So now you’re running around pumping up hoop hopes.  And when it doesn’t materialize, y’all will turn on Larry like rabid badgers.

I’m preparing a more in depth basketball preview, but be aware of this, our team is still a collection of mostly misfit toys.  Clearly better misfit toys than we had last year but that is what it is.  I doubt there is a coach in the Pac-12 even Sendik and Bone, who would trade rosters with us.

You need to take a serious look around the Pac-12 and realize that 9 of the other 11 teams are making serious upgrades, much greater than our own.  While you people are talking postseason, a great result for this team would be 9th place.

So for the love of all things Ute, please calm down.