Mandi Picks the First Round of the West Regional…


So much work.  And it seems that its important to have your picks done before the games start so here I am for you boys giving you exactly what you want.  Like I said last time, I’m not a girl from BYU.  I’m no tease.  So lets do some picks.

Michigan St. vs Long Island-Brooklyn

I love New York City and I hear Brooklyn is becoming totally hip.  But I’ve never heard of this school and their mascot is a blackbird.  And have you seen 300.  Gerard Butler can defend my honor any time.

Memphis vs Saint Louis

I have no idea what to think here so I’m going to go with this.  I was in Memphis once and the food there is totally fattening.   I pick Saint Louis

New Mexico vs Long Beach State

I like beaches but I don’t think the fact that one is Long makes it a state.  Plus everyone in New Mexico is high on meth and will kill you for some shiny rocks.  That makes then scary.

Louisville vs Davidson

I one day hope to wear a great hat and a sexy dress while a rich guy takes me to the Kentucky Derby in Louisville.  I don’t know what Davidson is.

Murray St vs Colorado St.

Murray isn’t a state it’s the name of a bald guy.  Colorado is a state and I look good in green.  Go Rams.

Marquette vs BYU

Here are my choices, looking good in a Catholic school girl outfit or cheering for girls who do everything but on the first date and then act like they’re moral.  I pick the Catholic school girl outfit.

Florida vs Virginia

Sexy dumb girls at Florida against sexy smart girls at Virginia.  Gotta go with the smart girls otherwise its like picking Arizona St.

Missouri vs Norfolk St.

I imagine Missouri is full of fat girls like all the states around it are like Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas (Mandi took a geography class).  Now I don’t know if they’re nice fat girls or mean ones.  But I haven’t heard of Norfolk and I don’t think its a state so I’ll pick the Missouri fat girls.